Title: Buchanan Democratic Rallying Song


Fling out the banner!—and swear not to yield,
Buchanan and Breckenridge haste to the field;
The fearless Democracy, banded once more,
Have sworn that the day of disruption is o'er,
Let the signal go forth over mountains and dells,
There is union of hearts and a union of shells.


Hushed be the cry—those not born on the soil
Are dangerous spies, fit for treason and spoil:
Our fathers invited the wronged and oppressed,
Under Liberty's tree to find shelter and rest,
And when the loud trump called the brave to the fight,
They prayed for the cause and they armed for the right.


Cursed be the cravens who basely forget,
Kosciusco, Pulaski and young Lafayette!
Let Princeton bear witness where Mercer was slain,
Quebec, where Montgomery died not in vain;
Red Camden, where perished that gallant old man—
DeKalb—with his sword flashing death in the van.


Fling out the banner beloved by the free!
Let it float, feared by tyrants, in every sea;
Let the world these grand lessons of justice be taught,
For which Jefferson wrote and Old Hickory fought;
Black traitors and foes must soon beat a retreat,
For banded once more the Democracy meet.


Ye "higher law" teachers, ye friends of disunion,
Who hold with foul spirits disgraceful communion,
Look out for Old Buck! Should you bring him to bay,
A stag of ten antlers he'll prove in the fray.
Let the signal go forth over mountains and dells,
There is union of hearts and a union of shells.



Andrews, Printer, 38 Chatham St, N. Y., Dealer in Songs, Games Toy Book Mottos, Verses, Valentines, c